Development Action Plan for Scheduled Tribes (DAPST)
Scheduled Tribe Component (STC) Monitoring System

जनजातीय कार्य मंत्रालय
Ministry of Tribal Affairs

Minutes of Meeting

Review of utilisation of fund and physical progress under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) / Development Action Plan for the Scheduled Tribes (DAPST)

Minutes of Meeting during year 2021-22 Minutes of Meeting during year 2022-23 Minutes of Meeting during year 2024-25
Minutes of meeting held on 9.5.24 with DoF
Minutes of meeting held on 9.5.24 with DoAHD
Minutes of meeting held on 10.5.24 with DARE
Minutes of meeting held on 10.5.24 with DoAFW
Minutes of meeting held on 10.5.24 with DoRD
Minutes of meeting held on 14.5.24 with MoT
Minutes of meeting held on 15.5.24 with MWCD
Minutes of meeting held on 15.5.24 with MoHFW
Minutes of meeting held on 15.5.24 with AYUSH
Minutes of meeting held on 16.5.24 with DoDWS
Minutes of meeting held on 16.5.24 with DoLR
Minutes of meeting held on 16.5.24 with DoWR,RD&GR
Minutes of meeting held on 17.5.24 with DoSEL
Minutes of meeting held on 21.5.24 with MoEF&CC
Minutes of meeting held on 22.5.24 with MSDE
Minutes of meeting held on 24.5.24 with MoFPI
Minutes of meeting held on 24.5.24 with DoFPD
Minutes of meeting held on 24.5.24 with MSME
Minutes of meeting held on 27.5.24 with DoF
Minutes of meeting held on 27.5.24 with DoNER
Minutes of meeting held on 28.5.24 with MoPR
Minutes of meeting held on 30.5.24 with DoC
Minutes of meeting held on 30.5.24 with DoHE
Minutes of meeting held on 31.5.24 with DoT
Minutes of meeting held on 31.5.24 with MeitY
Minutes of meeting held on 10.6.24 with MNRE
Minutes of meeting held on 10.6.24 with MoP
Minutes of meeting held on 11.6.24 with MoC
Minutes of meeting held on 11.6.24 with MoM
Minutes of meeting held on 19.6.24 with MoLE
Minutes of meeting held on 19.6.24 with MoRTH
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